I co-organised with Juliet Fowler Smith and Noelene Lucas and performed in a salon of readings, music and performances to mark the 2019 International Remembrance Day for Lost Species. The event was staged at Articulate project space in Sydney to accompany the exhibition ‘Going, Gone’.
The event was opened by Uncle Bruce Shillingsworth who spoke passionately about the climate crisis and its impact on first nations people everywhere, with a focus of course on Australian Aboriginal people. The image above shows him speaking to the assembled audience. The list of presenters is shown in the poster.
As the audience arrived for the afternoon, the space was filled with a multi-speaker soundscape of animal calls from land, sea and sky. I prepared this soundscape for artist Maria Fernanda Cardoso when we did the Artbar event at the Museum of Contemporary Art a few years back.
For the RDLS event, I wrote a composition titled ‘Skins in the Museum’ for six voices and field-recorded pigeon calls that was performed by the Reject theatre group and me. In the second half of the program I screened a new video I made for the event titled ‘Death Dust’, to raise awareness about the ecological importance of invertebrates.